Weather at Bunnyconnellan Airstrip

Public forecast

Using degrees Celsius for public forecast. Weather courtesy of

Closest aviation weather report (METAR) to Bunnyconnellan Airstrip

Report is more than 6 hours old.

Closest report is Ireland West Knock Airport, 13.4 nm (24.9 km) SE.

2024/07/26 18:00 (retrieved 6 hours ago)

EIKN 261800Z 25006KT 220V280 9999 FEW012 FEW020CB BKN032 13/11 Q1008 NOSIG

Closest aviation forecast (TAF) to Bunnyconnellan Airstrip

Forecast is more than 6 hours old.

Closest forecast is RAF Fairford, 299.6 nm (554.8 km) ESE.

2024/07/26 16:09 Ammendment (retrieved 8 hours ago)

AMD EGVA 261605Z 2616/2718 26009KT 9999 SCT050 BKN150 QNH2977INS BECMG 2704/2705 23006KT 3200 BR SCT020 QNH2986INS TEMPO 2705/2706 0800 FG BECMG 2706/2707 24006KT 9999 NSW SCT040 SCT100 QNH2990INS TX22/2616Z TN10/2702Z LAST NO AMDS AFT 2617 NEXT 2905