Public forecast
Using degrees Celsius for public forecast. Weather courtesy of
Closest aviation weather report (METAR) to Naan Airstrip
Closest report is Ben Gurion International Airport, 7.6 nm (14.0 km) N.
2025/01/23 13:50 (retrieved 25 minutes ago)
LLBG 231350Z 20009KT 9999 FEW030 18/13 Q1020 NOSIG RMK SCT061
Closest aviation forecast (TAF) to Naan Airstrip
Closest forecast is Ben Gurion International Airport, 7.6 nm (14.0 km) N.
2025/01/23 12:09 (retrieved 2 hours ago)
TAF LLBG 231100Z 2312/2412 24010KT 9999 SCT030 TEMPO 2312/2315 28015G25KT 7000 RA FEW025TCU BKN030 BECMG 2315/2317 VRB04KT PROB40 TEMPO 2317/2406 16005KT 7000 RA FEW025TCU BKN030 BECMG 2406/2408 24010KT PROB40 TEMPO 2408/2412 28015G25KT 7000 RA FEW025TCU BKN030 TX19/2312Z TN12/2404Z