Neyveli Airport

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Awaiting the reopen of Neyveli Airport

As many people are overseas and some from nearby towns around naively are in major cities in India, I am very sure Neyveli airport will run profitably. So, I request the government of India and the airport authorities to reconsider reopening the airport at least few days a week in the beginning.

You may also note that most of the employees in the NLC are from other parts of the states too. So, the operation of Neyveli will be quite useful to the public and successful.

Awaiting your response.

Thank You.

Leo. J

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make it for commerical

please open and develop infra struccture of neyveli airport becouse i can say surely 50% of this district peoples are belongs to abroad contact.make them easier

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plz restart sevice

Plz restart the service from neyveli to bengaluru and chennai

So many tough situations due to long bus travel

Plz take necessary steps

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to restart airport

please restart the construction of neyveli airport... becouse most of the people getting the problem to go any other citys...



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to restart airport

we looking restart the air service for regional from neyveli.there are so many peoples going bangaluru and chennai using bus only.we hope NLC and gentral government may take necessary step to restart

by R.mohanraj, Uthangal

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to restart airport

we looking restart the air service for regional from neyveli.there are so many peoples going bangaluru and chennai using bus only.

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