Weather at Semnan New Airport

Public forecast

Using degrees Celsius for public forecast. Weather courtesy of

Closest aviation weather report (METAR) to Semnan New Airport

Closest report is Sari Dasht-e Naz International Airport, 78.9 nm (146.1 km) NNW.

2025/01/15 21:00 (retrieved 47 minutes ago)

OINZ 152100Z 09004KT 3500 BR OVC025 09/08 Q1023

Closest aviation forecast (TAF) to Semnan New Airport

Closest forecast is Mehrabad International Airport, 116.6 nm (215.9 km) W.

2025/01/15 18:15 (retrieved 4 hours ago)

TAF OIII 151750Z 1518/1624 32008KT 7000 FEW040 BECMG 1520/1522 5000 HZ TEMPO 1601/1607 3000 HZ BECMG 1610/1612 28012KT 7000 FEW035 BKN100 TEMPO 1612/1618 32014G28KT FEW035CB SCT040 BKN090