Weather at Azraq Highway Strip

Public forecast

Using degrees Celsius for public forecast. Weather courtesy of

Closest aviation weather report (METAR) to Azraq Highway Strip

Closest report is Amman Civil (Marka International) Airport, 21.5 nm (39.8 km) W.

2025/01/14 12:00 (retrieved 37 minutes ago)

OJAM 141200Z 12007KT 5000 HZ NSC 17/02 Q1022 NOSIG

Closest aviation forecast (TAF) to Azraq Highway Strip

Closest forecast is Amman Civil (Marka International) Airport, 21.5 nm (39.8 km) W.

2025/01/14 12:00 (retrieved 37 minutes ago)

TAF OJAM 141100Z 1412/1518 13008KT 5000 HZ NSC TEMPO 1412/1418 05014KT PROB30 1503/1506 VRB02KT 4000 FU BECMG 1509/1511 31006KT