Public forecast
Using degrees Celsius for public forecast. Weather courtesy of
Closest aviation weather report (METAR) to Chilik Southeast Airfield
Closest report is Almaty International Airport, 73.6 nm (136.3 km) W.
2025/01/16 22:00 (retrieved 28 minutes ago)
UAAA 162200Z VRB01MPS 2800 BR FU FEW100 M07/M10 Q1020 NOSIG
Closest aviation forecast (TAF) to Chilik Southeast Airfield
Closest forecast is Almaty International Airport, 73.6 nm (136.3 km) W.
2025/01/16 18:24 (retrieved 4 hours ago)
TAF TAF UAAA 161705Z 1618/1718 14002MPS 1200 BR FU FEW011 SCT050 TX03/1709Z TNM09/1704Z TEMPO 1618/1705 VRB01MPS 0200 FZFG VV001 FM170600 35002MPS 6000 SCT030CB BKN100 TEMPO 1706/1712 29002G07MPS 3100 BR FU FM171200 22002MPS 3100 BR FU SCT011 SCT050 TEMPO 1712/1718 1100 FEW003