Changes to LGMG
2024-04-21 07:55:34
Basically military, but open to certain civilian operations, and appears to be used by private aviators wishing to visit Athens.
Changed name
from "Megara Airport"
to "Megara Air Base"
2008-11-03 17:02:18
Batch updates
Changed region_code
from "GR-I"
to ""
Changed region_name
from "Attica"
to ""
Changed region_local_code
from "I"
to ""
Changed country_code
from "GR"
to ""
Changed country_name
from "Greece"
to ""
2008-11-03 17:02:18
Batch updates
Changed municipality
from ""
to "Megara"
Changed magnetic_variation_deg
from ""
to "3.145"