Weather at Zábřeh Dolní Benešov Airfield

Public forecast

Using degrees Celsius for public forecast. Weather courtesy of

Closest aviation weather report (METAR) to Zábřeh Dolní Benešov Airfield

Closest report is Ostrava Leos Janáček Airport, 14.0 nm (25.9 km) S.

2024/09/17 09:00 (retrieved 35 minutes ago)

LKMT 170900Z 04004KT 9999 OVC012 15/13 Q1023 BECMG SCT016

Closest aviation forecast (TAF) to Zábřeh Dolní Benešov Airfield

Closest forecast is Ostrava Leos Janáček Airport, 14.0 nm (25.9 km) S.

2024/09/17 06:36 (retrieved 3 hours ago)

TAF LKMT 170500Z 1706/1806 04008KT 9999 BKN009 BECMG 1708/1710 SCT030 BECMG 1710/1712 CAVOK BECMG 1720/1722 02003KT 0800 FG VV002