Weather at Naukaimio aerodromas

Public forecast

Using degrees Celsius for public forecast. Weather courtesy of

Closest aviation weather report (METAR) to Naukaimio aerodromas

Closest report is Kaunas International Airport, 39.8 nm (73.8 km) ESE.

2024/09/08 22:20 (retrieved 14 minutes ago)

EYKA 082220Z 11003KT CAVOK 14/08 Q1018

Closest aviation forecast (TAF) to Naukaimio aerodromas

Closest forecast is Kaunas International Airport, 39.8 nm (73.8 km) ESE.

2024/09/08 18:03 (retrieved 5 hours ago)

TAF EYKA 081701Z 0818/0912 VRB05KT 9000 NSC BECMG 0906/0908 13012KT TEMPO 0908/0917 14015G25KT