Weather at Diyarbakır Airport

Public forecast

Using degrees Celsius for public forecast. Weather courtesy of

Current aviation weather report (METAR) for Diyarbakır Airport

2024/07/26 23:50 (retrieved 28 minutes ago)

LTCC 262350Z 30007KT CAVOK 25/12 Q1002 NOSIG RMK RWY16 28007KT 270V340 SKC

Closest aviation forecast (TAF) to Diyarbakır Airport

Forecast is more than 12 hours old.

Closest forecast is Kirkuk Air Base, 247.1 nm (457.6 km) SE.

2024/07/26 12:01 (retrieved 12 hours ago)

TAF ORKK 261000Z 2612/2712 27012G22KT 7000 NSC BECMG 2618/2622 35006KT BECMG 2705/2707 28010KT