Public forecast
Using degrees Celsius for public forecast. Weather courtesy of
Closest aviation weather report (METAR) to Royal Dutch Aerospace Center
Closest report is Lelystad Airport, 20.2 nm (37.4 km) SW.
2025/01/15 06:25 (retrieved 26 minutes ago)
EHLE 150625Z AUTO 28004KT 0450 R23/0600N FG VV000 06/06 Q1032 NOSIG
Closest aviation forecast (TAF) to Royal Dutch Aerospace Center
Closest forecast is Lelystad Airport, 20.2 nm (37.4 km) SW.
2025/01/15 06:27 (retrieved 24 minutes ago)
TAF EHLE 150513Z 1506/1612 27005KT 0400 FG VV001 PROB30 TEMPO 1506/1612 1200 BR BKN001