Marutea Airport
Auorotini, French Polynesia

Changes to NTGS

2009-08-06 07:21:17



This airfield was missing. I found some information about it on landings.com.

Changed wikipedia_link from "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marutea_Sud" to "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marutea_Sud"
Changed region_code from "PF-U-A" to ""
Changed region_name from "(unassigned)" to ""
Changed region_local_code from "U-A" to ""
Changed country_code from "PF" to ""
Changed country_name from "French Polynesia" to ""

2009-08-06 07:21:17



This airfield was missing. I found some information about it on landings.com.

2009-08-06 07:21:17



This airfield was missing. I found some information about it on landings.com.

Marutea Airport