Amundsen–Scott south Pole Station Airport

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Amundsen–Scott south Pole Station Airport is not the home base for any OurAirports members. It has had 3 visitors.

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Picture of Pugliapilot

Amundsen–Scott south pole airbase

Ok, I have assigned the identifier to the base and reordered the coordinates to make it visible on the map.

Picture of david

Includes the Jack F. Paulus Skiway

The Skiway is essentially a runway for the station.

Picture of Pugliapilot

Jack F. Paulus Skiway South Pole

questa base si trova al Polo sud (Amundsen–Scott South Pole Station) e un posto internazionale.

Picture of


Can you provide a list of names of airports on the opposite coastline of Antarctica? And why can't Google Maps display satellite photos or views on the south pole, when it can clear be seen using Google Earth Pro? Makes no sense at all!

Picture of david

No photo or map

Unfortunately, Google Maps cannot display a location right on the poles, so (as of 2007-12-17) there's no map or satellite picture available for the South Pole Station.

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