Okara Cantonment Airstrip

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OurAirports members at OPOK

Okara Cantonment Airstrip is not the home base for any OurAirports members. It has had no visits from members.

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Picture of

Shame on you

You are showing a road as a runway.. Making fool to the people.

Picture of david

re: Shame on you

Thank you for the feedback. OurAirports is a community-maintained site, like Wikipedia, so we're always looking for better information. Do you happen to know the correct location for Okara Airport? Or is this one of the situations (common in some other countries) where a stretch of highway is designated as an emergency landing strip?

Picture of david

re: Shame on you

Zooming in, I can see that this paved stretch clearly has runway markings and numbers (18/36), so I think it's in the correct location.

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