Changes to PT-0028
2018-03-24 11:02:07
(no change comment)
Changed type
from "small_airport"
to "closed"
Changed name
from "Aeródromo de Mortágua"
to "Aeródromo de Vila Meã"
Changed municipality
from ""
to "Mortágua"
Changed latitude_deg
from "40.4254"
to "40.4264"
Changed longitude_deg
from "-8.23176"
to "-8.23225"
Changed zoom
from "14"
to "15"
2015-10-20 03:30:43
(no change comment)
Changed region_code
from "PT-06"
to "PT-18"
Changed region_name
from "Coimbra District"
to "Viseu District"
Changed region_local_code
from "06"
to "18"