Changes to ULBD
2024-04-30 06:21:42
(no change comment)
Changed name
from "Dolgoshchelye Airport"
to "Dolgoshchelye Airfield"
Changed gps_code
from "ULBD"
to ""
Changed local_code
from ""
to "ULBD"
Changed keywords
from "Dolgoschelye Airport, Аэропорт Долгощелье"
to "Аэропорт Долгощелье, УЛБД"
2017-08-06 16:01:23
(no change comment)
Changed latitude_deg
from "66.0437"
to "66.0535"
Changed longitude_deg
from "43.4581"
to "43.4246"
2009-08-19 10:02:23
(no change comment)
Changed gps_code
from ""
to "ULBD"
Changed pilot_link
from ""
to ""
Changed keywords
from "Dolgoschelye Airport, ???????? ??????????"
to "Dolgoschelye Airport, Аэропорт Долгощелье"