Weather at Afipsky Airfield

Public forecast

Using degrees Celsius for public forecast. Weather courtesy of

Closest aviation weather report (METAR) to Afipsky Airfield

Closest report is Krasnodar Pashkovsky International Airport, 18.3 nm (33.9 km) NE.

2025/01/06 10:00 (retrieved 21 minutes ago)

URKK 061000Z 11002MPS CAVOK M00/M02 Q1026 R05R/290060 NOSIG RMK QFE766

Closest aviation forecast (TAF) to Afipsky Airfield

Closest forecast is Krasnodar Pashkovsky International Airport, 18.3 nm (33.9 km) NE.

2025/01/06 09:21 (retrieved 60 minutes ago)

TAF URKK 060757Z 0609/0709 09003G08MPS 9999 SCT020 TEMPO 0609/0709 14003G08MPS