Public forecast
Using degrees Celsius for public forecast. Weather courtesy of
Closest aviation weather report (METAR) to El Tambo Airport
Closest report is Rafael Nuñez International Airport, 6.3 nm (11.7 km) WSW.
2025/01/16 16:00 (retrieved 25 minutes ago)
SKCG 161600Z 01009G22KT 330V060 CAVOK 31/23 Q1013
Closest aviation forecast (TAF) to El Tambo Airport
Closest forecast is Rafael Nuñez International Airport, 6.3 nm (11.7 km) WSW.
2025/01/16 12:00 (retrieved 4 hours ago)
TAF SKCG 161030Z 1612/1712 01010KT CAVOK TEMPO 1620/1624 01015G25KT TX32/1618Z TN25/1710Z