NOTAMS for General Manuel Carlos Piar International Airport

This is not an official NOTAM source, and NOTAMs may be missing or out of date. Includes only aerodrome-specific NOTAMS.

NOTAM A0163/24: General Manuel Carlos Piar International Airport (SVPR)

A0163/24 NOTAMN Q) SVZM/QMRHW/IV/NBO/A/000/999/0812S06635W005 A) SVPR B) 2403152147 C) 2404301900 D) MON/FRI 1200/1900 E) CTN OPS TKOF/LDG/TAX SAFETY ZONE RWY 08/26 DUE WIP CUTTING GRASS. MEN AND EQPT IN THE AREA. CREATED: 15 Mar 2024 21:58:00 SOURCE: SVMIYNYX