Changes to SY-0028
2023-09-14 20:55:51
(no change comment)
Changed municipality
from ""
to "Dahr El-Darjeh"
2023-09-14 20:53:22
According to recent news, the bed of tis former pond is allegedly being developed by a Lebanese political organization for a eventual military purposes.
Changed name
from "jabbour airfield"
to "Jabbour Airfield"
Changed region_code
from "SY-U-A"
to "LB-JA"
Changed region_name
from "(unassigned)"
to "South Governorate"
Changed region_local_code
from "U-A"
to "JA"
Changed country_code
from "SY"
to "LB"
Changed country_name
from "Syria"
to "Lebanon"