Tarfaya Airport

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OurAirports members at TFY

Tarfaya Airport is not the home base for any OurAirports members. It has had no visits from members.

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Picture of Mohsen

(no subject)

TFY is incorrect IATA code. IATA code TFY is for Airport Muhammad Taufiq Kiemas Airport, formerly known as Pekon Serai Airport, serves the city of Krui, South Sumatra, Indonesia with ICAO: WILP. Infor here: https://skyvector.com/airport/WILP.

And IATA code here: https://www.iata.org/en/publications/directories/code-search/

Picture of

Tarfaya Airport, souvenir, souvenir...

So, there was only an airstrip unpaved...

But more over Tarfaya was Cap Juby previously, and everybody is searching around "Le Petit Prince" and his fox depicted by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry during 1943.

Antoine was posted in Cap Cuy from end of 1927 to September 1929, and saved by bedouins in Libyan desert by 31 December 1935 after a crash...

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