Weather at Karaköy Helipad

Public forecast

Using degrees Celsius for public forecast. Weather courtesy of

Closest aviation weather report (METAR) to Karaköy Helipad

Report is more than 2 hours old.

Closest report is Akhisar Airport / Akhisar Air Base, 13.8 nm (25.5 km) SSW.

2024/09/16 15:50 (retrieved 4 hours ago)

LTBT 161550Z 25003KT CAVOK 26/09 Q1008 RMK RWY13 02003KT 2AC100

Closest aviation forecast (TAF) to Karaköy Helipad

Closest forecast is Adnan Menderes International Airport, 56.8 nm (105.2 km) SW.

2024/09/16 18:03 (retrieved 1 hour ago)

TAF LTBJ 161640Z 1618/1718 VRB02KT CAVOK BECMG 1709/1712 35012KT FEW030 BECMG 1715/1718 CAVOK