Guna Airport

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OurAirports members at GUX

Guna Airport is the home base for 1 OurAirports member. It has had no visits from members.

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Connect Guna

The city should be connected to Bhopal and Indore by the air taxi as the city have quite good runway at airport.

Picture of Itsvik

There is no airport in guna

There is only airstrip which isn't in work for a while

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(no subject)

Guna airport must have small or medium flights as the city people has a demand to fly Bhopal,Indore and jabalpur..

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Medium airport and need flight

Guna airport is a good travel option for businessmen. The city has many industries present in and around it. It should have an airport as one has to travel to bhopal to catch a flight.

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why no flights to Guna ?

There are no flights coming/going from Guna as the city population have to travel down to Bhopal to catch a flight. Why the airlines is not tapping the purchasing power and making profit out of this area. it is a time consuming travel from Guna to Bhopal which takes around 5 hours of travel by rail/road.

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