Rourkela Airport

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200 m
500 ft
Leaflet | Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community

OurAirports members at RRK

Rourkela Airport is the home base for 1 OurAirports member. It has had 1 visitor.

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Latest comments for RRK Leave a comment

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Delhi to Rourkela

When this can be started, waiting rigorously.

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we want flights on at-least weakly basis

yeah flight from kolkata to rourkela should be start

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We want flight on daily basis

Please start domestic flights to Kolkata

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we want flight !!

yeah .. flight from bangalore to rourkela should be started.

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Odisha Airports

Do not know why this much of airports in Orissa. it shows that our money is wasted, by preparing airports and their maintenance staff salaries.

Epitomized : Orissa is not a poor state, only the ministers made and shows it as a poor state.


Deepak Kumar Badatya

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Development OF rourkela airport

Bangalore to Rourkela and Rourkela to Bangalore commercial air service should start.

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Development OF rourkela airport

Rourkela , being the commercial capital and being the one of the best cities of odissa - always neglected by the odissa government, the airport should be operational as soon as possible . So the people of odissa can avail the services.

Asish Kumar Mahapatra


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