Airports near East Adams Rural Hospital Heliport

Airports 101 to 150

small airport marker

Stillwater Creek Airport

Royal City, Washington, United States 97 km (52 nm) W

heliport marker

Holy Family Hospital Heliport

Spokane, Washington, United States 97 km (52 nm) NE

small airport marker

Dye Seed Ranch Airport

Pomeroy, Washington, United States 97 km (52 nm) SE

closed airport marker

Hanford Field

Hanford, Washington, United States 98 km (53 nm) SW

small airport marker

Whiterik Field

Fruitland, Washington, United States 98 km (53 nm) N

closed airport marker

Esquatzel Naval Outlying Field 10

Pasco, Washington, United States 99 km (53 nm) SW

closed airport marker

Baxter Naval Outlying Field 7

Pasco, Washington, United States 99 km (53 nm) SW

medium airport marker

Felts Field

Spokane, Washington, United States 100 km (54 nm) NE


closed airport marker

Birdhouse Heliport

Spokane, Washington, United States 100 km (54 nm) ENE

small airport marker

Willard Field

Tekoa, Washington, United States 101 km (54 nm) E


small airport marker

Schoepflin Airport

Palouse, Washington, United States 101 km (54 nm) ESE

closed airport marker

Chatcolet Airport

Rockford, Washington, United States 102 km (55 nm) ENE

heliport marker

Coulee Medical Center Heliport

Grand Coulee, Washington, United States 102 km (55 nm) NNW

closed airport marker

Columbia Agricultural Airport

Pasco, Washington, United States 103 km (55 nm) SSW

small airport marker

Grand Coulee Dam Airport

Electric City, Washington, United States 103 km (56 nm) NNW

1 4

heliport marker

Wnp-2 Plant Support Facility Heliport

Richland, Washington, United States 103 km (56 nm) SW

closed airport marker

Glade Naval Outlying Field 5

Pasco, Washington, United States 103 km (56 nm) SSW

small airport marker

Carr Airport

Pasco, Washington, United States 103 km (56 nm) SSW

heliport marker

Ice Harbor Dam Heliport

Pasco, Washington, United States 104 km (56 nm) SSW

closed airport marker

Grigg Farm Airport

Quincy, Washington, United States 104 km (56 nm) W

small airport marker

Hill Airport

Palouse, Washington, United States 104 km (56 nm) ESE

heliport marker

Pasco Heliport

Pasco, Washington, United States 104 km (56 nm) SW

closed airport marker

Taggares Fruit Airport

Burbank, Washington, United States 104 km (56 nm) SSW

medium airport marker

Pullman-Moscow Regional Airport

Pullman, Washington, United States 104 km (56 nm) ESE

1 27

small airport marker

Sky Meadows Airpark

Spokane, Washington, United States 104 km (56 nm) ENE

small airport marker

Staley Airport

Pullman, Washington, United States 105 km (56 nm) ESE

closed airport marker

Former Staley Airport

Pullman, Washington, United States 105 km (56 nm) ESE

small airport marker

B & G Farms Airport

Royal City, Washington, United States 105 km (57 nm) W

small airport marker

Tai's Landing Airport

Spokane, Washington, United States 106 km (57 nm) NE

closed airport marker

Pete's Airport

Deer Park, Washington, United States 106 km (57 nm) NE

small airport marker

Mead Flying Service Airport

Mead, Washington, United States 106 km (57 nm) NE

closed airport marker

Fielding Airport

Deer Park, Washington, United States 106 km (57 nm) NE

heliport marker

N A Degerstrom Yard Heliport

Spokane, Washington, United States 108 km (58 nm) NE

closed airport marker

Sage Naval Outlying Field 4

Pasco, Washington, United States 109 km (58 nm) SW

small airport marker

Estes Airport

Moscow, Idaho, United States 109 km (58 nm) ESE

closed airport marker

Anderson-Plummer Airport

Potlatch, Idaho, United States 109 km (59 nm) E

small airport marker

Deer Flat Airport

Deer Park, Washington, United States 109 km (59 nm) NNE

closed airport marker

Dry Creek Airport

Walla Walla, Washington, United States 109 km (59 nm) S

small airport marker

Mattawa Air Strip

Mattawa, Washington, United States 110 km (59 nm) WSW

small airport marker

Pine Bluff Airport

Springdale, Washington, United States 110 km (59 nm) NNE

small airport marker

Radial Flyer Airport

Deer Park, Washington, United States 110 km (59 nm) NE

medium airport marker

Tri Cities Airport

Pasco, Washington, United States 111 km (59 nm) SSW

1 40

small airport marker

Rice Ranch Airport

Grand Coulee, Washington, United States 111 km (60 nm) NNW

closed airport marker

University of Idaho Heliport

Moscow, Idaho, United States 111 km (60 nm) ESE

small airport marker

Quincy Municipal Airport

Quincy, Washington, United States 111 km (60 nm) W


heliport marker

Hammer EVOC Skid Pad Heliport

Richland, Washington, United States 112 km (60 nm) SW

heliport marker

Gritman Medical Center Heliport

Moscow, Idaho, United States 112 km (60 nm) ESE

closed airport marker

Springdale Airport

Springdale, Washington, United States 113 km (61 nm) NNE

closed airport marker

Keller Landing Strip

Keller, Washington, United States 113 km (61 nm) NNW

heliport marker

Quincy Valley Hospital Ems Heliport

Quincy, Washington, United States 113 km (61 nm) W