Mount Barrow Helicopter Landing Site
Nunamara, Tasmania, Australia

Changes to YBOW

2022-06-07 12:52:53



Location shown is YXVL Bowraville, NSW. Changing to Mount Barrow, TAS.

Changed name from "Bowraville Oval Helicopter Landing Site" to "Mount Barrow Helicopter Landing Site"
Changed municipality from "Bowraville" to "Nunamara"
Changed latitude_deg from "-30.6477" to "-41.3776"
Changed longitude_deg from "152.848" to "147.416"
Changed elevation_ft from "44" to "4275"
Changed local_code from "YBOW" to ""
Changed pilot_link from "http://www.helipads.org/site/index.cfm?search_string=&search_state=NSW&category=&module=HELIPADS&page_id=34142&pagemode=indiv" to "https://www.airmate.aero/php/airport_page.php?page=airport_page&code=YBOW"
Changed region_code from "AU-NSW" to "AU-TAS"
Changed region_name from "New South Wales" to "Tasmania"
Changed region_local_code from "NSW" to "TAS"

2016-02-28 15:51:31



(no change comment)

Bowraville Oval Helicopter Landing Site