Jindabyne Airport problem reports

If you don't see your problem listed for Jindabyne Airport, please report it here.

0 open 2 total

Problem type Details Created Status Updated
Wrong airport information (name, codes, frequencies, runways, etc)

The altitude of YJIN is 3400 feet AMSL. Your data base has it recorded as 1036 feet which is incorrect. I suspect that originally it was incorrectly transcribed from metres to feet as 1036 m equals 3400 feet. Many thanks

2021-07-02 19:24:43 rejected 2021-12-05 04:54:12
Wrong airport information (name, codes, frequencies, runways, etc)

The altitude of YJIN is 3400 feet AMSL. Your data base has it recorded as 1036 feet which is incorrect. I suspect that originally it was incorrectly transcribed from metres to feet as 1036 m equals 3400 feet. Many thanks

2021-07-02 21:03:56 resolved 2021-12-05 04:53:45