Changes to YXGS
2013-09-21 05:50:53
(no change comment)
Changed type
from "small_airport"
to "heliport"
2013-09-21 05:34:11
Changed "YXGS" to Gosford Hospital. Gosford Airport is YSMB
Changed name
from "Gosford Airport"
to "Gosford Hospital Helipad"
Changed latitude_deg
from "-33.3681"
to "-33.4216"
Changed longitude_deg
from "151.3"
to "151.34"
Changed elevation_ft
from "853"
to "110"
Changed iata_code
from "GOS"
to ""
Changed gps_code
from ""
to "YXGS"
Changed local_code
from ""
to "YXGS"
Changed pilot_link
from ""
to ""
Changed zoom
from "14"
to "17"
2013-07-21 21:43:45
Added IATA LID. Deleted ICAO LID, "YXGS" is Gosford Hospital Heliport.
Changed iata_code
from ""
to "GOS"
Changed gps_code
from "YXGS"
to ""
2010-01-29 23:03:13
(no change comment)
Changed name
from "Gosford Ns Airport"
to "Gosford Airport"
Changed municipality
from ""
to "Gosford"