Public forecast
Using degrees Celsius for public forecast. Weather courtesy of
Closest aviation weather report (METAR) to Ranch Motel Airport
Closest report is Polokwane International Airport, 15.4 nm (28.6 km) NE.
2025/01/20 19:00 (retrieved 24 minutes ago)
FAPP 201900Z AUTO 09004KT //// // ////// 21/21 Q1020
Closest aviation forecast (TAF) to Ranch Motel Airport
Closest forecast is Lanseria International Airport, 135.6 nm (251.0 km) SSW.
2025/01/20 18:00 (retrieved 1 hour ago)
TAF FALA 201600Z 2018/2118 VRB03KT CAVOK TX29/2113Z TN16/2103Z BECMG 2106/2108 09012KT