Public forecast
Using degrees Celsius for public forecast. Weather courtesy of
Closest aviation weather report (METAR) to Hondeklip Bay Airstrip
Report is more than 6 hours old.
Closest report is Springbok Airport, 51.5 nm (95.4 km) NE.
2024/12/22 07:51 (retrieved 22 hours ago)
FASB 220751Z 21003KT CAVOK 30/07 Q1015
Closest aviation forecast (TAF) to Hondeklip Bay Airstrip
Forecast is more than 12 hours old.
Closest forecast is Keetmanshoop Airport, 232.1 nm (429.8 km) N.
2024/12/22 15:33 (retrieved 14 hours ago)
TAF TAF FYKT 221525Z 2215/2312 CNL