Comment "Flight Procedures at Zerniki Gadki Airfield" on Żerniki Gądki Airfield, Poland

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Flight Procedures at Zerniki Gadki Airfield

Before commencing aviation operations read AUP/UUP observing EPKS MARZ/MCTR activity or obtain information about that airspace utilization and classification and restrictions form EPKS Flight Crew Briefing office.

All flights to Zerniki airfield should be set with EPKS Flight Crew Briefing Office flight planer or TWR Krzesiny controller. If requested a flight plan should be filed. All aircraft arriving to Zerniki Gadki airfield must request Krzesiny Tower to enter MATZ/MCTR which is necessary to cross the control space boundary and make an approach to runway 06 or 24.

All VFR flights in EPKS MATZ/MCTR are allowed not higher than 1500 ft on local QNH. Approach to runway 06 is made from right hand circuit and approach to runway 24 is made from left hand circuit. You should be very careful when you're on final to runway 06 because of high obstacles being located on final track approach.

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