Member profile for @StrikeyMate

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Portland Airport
, Victoria, Australia

Started flying 1985 at Moorabbin in a C172. Gained tail wheel, Aerobatics, glider tug, C210 endorsements before joining RAA in 1998 and eventually giving GA away around 2008 and doing RAA only flights as cost to keep GA was just not warranted. Owned 3 aircraft... Farmatesv2, Karatoo, and Avid Flyer MH4 all of which are no longer with me. Got hit by a nasty xwind on takeoff in August 2022 and did a bit of damage, so sold it and now fly a Jabaru J-160 club aircraft on hire. Looking at purchasing a Corby Starlet for its aerobatics capabilities and speed. Only single seat, but will suit me fine for trips away camping.

Frontiers of @StrikeyMate's travels

, Australia

, Australia

, Australia

, Australia

@StrikeyMate's stats

Joined Wed, 14 Sep 2022.

Visited 1 airport.

Posted 0 comments.

Added 0 new airports.

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