Airport comments by @akajono

Comments 1 to 2 of 2

Picture of akajono

Wamena Elevation - GPS vs Altimeter Set to Low Elevation Air

The DGCA is updating airport elevations using survey-grade GPS units. Pilots arriving at Wamena with an altimeter setting from a low-elevation airport (Sentani, Timika, Nabire, Merauke) will notice a significant difference in elevation (altimeter will show closer to 5100’ at Wamena). This is mainly due to the errors associated with a pressure altimeter in higher-than-standard temperatures. For more information about this indicated vs true altitude error, see FAA AC 00-6B 5.4.1 “Altitude”, John S Denker “How It Flies” 20.2.4 <> and Mike Borgelt’s article at

Picture of akajono

Where to Find Official Sentani Airport Information

To find official aeronautical data, go to:

Alternatively, go to, register for a free account, and sign in. After logging in, in the left tab, go to Produk>>AIP Elektronik>Vol I, II, II>Vol II>AD 2>Sentani (or Jayapura). On that page, the default is the textual information. There's an upper tab that says "AIP Elektronik" or "Chart". Select "Chart" to see a listing of the airport diagrams, Instrument Approach Procedures, etc.
