Comments 1 to 4 of 5
VFR limitation
Be careful to VFR limitation. VFR flights forbidden MON-FRI 0800-1800LT.
No way to go around this restriction. Airfield is operated by Spanish AF.
La Morgal WX
Weather is usually affected by low clouds in the morning due to marine humidity condensing on the mountains south of airfield.
In this case it is usually better to descend over the sea and approach the field from N (Gijòn). For the same reason departures are easier northbound to climb above clouds over sea.
Useful info
Nice airfield close to Jerez de la Frontera.
Wind is usually strong (ca. 20Kts) but amost aligned with runway. Be careful in case of southern wind (rare). Approach is a little tricky because runway is on top of a hill and ground height difficult to appreciate.
Pay attention to neighbouring LE-R154 (GND-SEA/6000ft AMSL, ROTA AB).
Remember to close FPL by radio with Jerez TWR 118.55 when field in sight or after landing by phone Jerez ARO +34-956150106.
Airfield is usually unattended. Coordinate ARR and DEP with airport manager +34-677428329, +34-619558362, +34-625461216.
AVGAS not avlb. MOGAS O/R.
re: Flight France > Gabon with microlight BRM Citius
🔗 Tue, 06 Mar 2012
— @lsalv at Trebujena Airfield, Spain
No internet address available so far. Use phone instead, but beware they don't speak anything but spanish. AFAIK MOGAS is available but better check, airfield is actually in the middle of nowhere and I'm not sure any gas station is available in the vicinity. I use AVGAS and was forced to refuel in Jerez.
FPL may be submitted by phone, but if you fly to Morocco you have to pass custom in Jerez (Morocco is not Schengen area).
Regards lsalv