Airports near the Badshoogte NDB (BH)

Airports 1 to 50

small airport marker

Assegaay Bosch Game Lodge Airport

Vanwyksdorp, Western Cape, South Africa 28 km (15 nm) SW

medium airport marker

Oudtshoorn Airport

Oudtshoorn, Western Cape, South Africa 36 km (19 nm) E

3 2

small airport marker

Prince Albert Airport

Prince Albert, Western Cape, South Africa 50 km (27 nm) NNE

small airport marker

Mossel Bay Airport

Mossel Bay, Western Cape, South Africa 64 km (34 nm) SSE

2 3

medium airport marker

George Airport

George, Western Cape, South Africa 68 km (37 nm) SE


closed airport marker

Old George Airfield

George, Western Cape, South Africa 69 km (37 nm) SE

small airport marker

Riversdale Airport

Riversdale, Western Cape, South Africa 74 km (39 nm) SW


small airport marker

Cannon Valley Estate Airport

Gouritz, Western Cape, South Africa 79 km (42 nm) S

small airport marker

Leppan Airfield

George, Western Cape, South Africa 87 km (47 nm) ESE

small airport marker

Stilbaai Airport

Stilbaai, Western Cape, South Africa 88 km (47 nm) SSW

small airport marker

Bosbokduin Airstrip

Still Bay, Western Cape, South Africa 94 km (50 nm) SSW

small airport marker

Sanbona Wildlife Reserve Airfield

Sanbona Wildlife Reserve, Western Cape, South Africa 110 km (59 nm) W

small airport marker

Knysna / High Way Airfield

Knysna, Western Cape, South Africa 115 km (62 nm) ESE

2 1

closed airport marker

Mud Flats SANPARKS Airstrip

Knysna, Western Cape, South Africa 126 km (68 nm) ESE

small airport marker

Hendrik Swellengrebel Airport

Swellendam, Western Cape, South Africa 131 km (70 nm) WSW

2 2

small airport marker

Elandspad Airfield

Western Cape, South Africa 134 km (72 nm) SW

small airport marker

Bosrivier Airstrip

KwaNokuthula, Western Cape, South Africa 145 km (78 nm) ESE

small airport marker

Dudley's Field

KwaNokuthula, Western Cape, South Africa 146 km (79 nm) ESE

medium airport marker

Plettenberg Bay Airport

Plettenberg Bay, Western Cape, South Africa 150 km (81 nm) ESE


small airport marker

Stanley Island Airstrip

Keurboomstrand, Western Cape, South Africa 154 km (83 nm) ESE

small airport marker

De Hoop Nature Reserve Airstrip

Western Cape, South Africa 157 km (85 nm) SW

small airport marker

Willowmore Airport

Willowmore, Eastern Cape, South Africa 161 km (87 nm) ENE


small airport marker

Ashton Airport

Ashton, Western Cape, South Africa 161 km (87 nm) W


small airport marker

Sutherland Airport

Sutherland, Northern Cape, South Africa 162 km (87 nm) NW

1 2

small airport marker

Beaufort West Airport

Beaufort West, Western Cape, South Africa 167 km (90 nm) NNE

2 3

medium airport marker

Robertson Airport

Robertson, Western Cape, South Africa 176 km (95 nm) W

2 1

small airport marker

Overberg Airport

Overberg, Western Cape, South Africa 177 km (95 nm) SW


small airport marker

Bredasdorp Airport

Bredasdorp, Western Cape, South Africa 188 km (101 nm) WSW

small airport marker

Joubertina Airport

Joubertina, Eastern Cape, South Africa 189 km (102 nm) E

small airport marker

Fraserburg Airport

Fraseburg, Northern Cape, South Africa 189 km (102 nm) N


small airport marker

De Doorns Airport

De Doorns, Western Cape, South Africa 196 km (106 nm) W


closed airport marker

Former Bredasdorp Airport

Bredasdorp, Western Cape, South Africa 197 km (106 nm) SW


small airport marker

Bhejane Game Reserve Airport

Willowmore, Eastern Cape, South Africa 203 km (109 nm) ENE

small airport marker

Andrew's Field Airport

Struisbaai, Western Cape, South Africa 206 km (111 nm) SW

3 1

small airport marker

Black Oystercatcher

Bredasdrop, Western Cape, South Africa 213 km (115 nm) WSW

small airport marker

Worcester Glider Airport

Worcester, Western Cape, South Africa 220 km (119 nm) W

1 2

small airport marker

Ceres Airport

Ceres, Western Cape, South Africa 222 km (120 nm) W

heliport marker

Oubosstrand Heliport

Eersterivierstrand, Eastern Cape, South Africa 227 km (122 nm) ESE

small airport marker

Regyne Protea Farm Airport

Kou-Kamma, Eastern Cape, South Africa 228 km (123 nm) ESE

small airport marker

Caledon Airfield

Caledon, Western Cape, South Africa 231 km (124 nm) WSW

small airport marker

Kagga Kamma Airport

Kagga Kamma Private Game Reserve, Western Cape, South Africa 232 km (125 nm) WNW


small airport marker

Kareedouw Airport

Kareedouw, Eastern Cape, South Africa 234 km (126 nm) E

closed airport marker

Tsitsikama Fly Airport

Tsitsikama, Eastern Cape, South Africa 235 km (127 nm) ESE

small airport marker

Steytlerville Airport

Steytlerville, Eastern Cape, South Africa 235 km (127 nm) E

small airport marker

Tankwa International Airport

Tankwa Town, Northern Cape, South Africa 238 km (128 nm) NW


small airport marker

Pearly Beach Airstrip

Pearly Beach, Western Cape, South Africa 241 km (130 nm) WSW

small airport marker

Aberdeen Airport

Aberdeen, Eastern Cape, South Africa 247 km (133 nm) ENE

1 2

closed airport marker

Hermanus Airport

Hermanus, Western Cape, South Africa 256 km (138 nm) WSW


small airport marker

Paarl East Airport

Paarl, Western Cape, South Africa 257 km (138 nm) W

1 1

small airport marker

Jansenville Airport

Jansenville, Eastern Cape, South Africa 277 km (149 nm) ENE