Airports near the Caslav NDB (CF)

Airports 1 to 50

medium airport marker

Čáslav Air Base

Chotusice, Central Bohemian Region, Czech Republic 5 km (2 nm) NW


small airport marker

Rohozec Airfield

Rohozec, Central Bohemian Region, Czech Republic 9 km (4 nm) NNW

small airport marker

Podhořany Airfield

Podhořany u Ronova, Pardubice Region, Czech Republic 9 km (4 nm) ENE


small airport marker

Škudly Airstrip

Přelouč, Central Bohemian Region, Czech Republic 14 km (7 nm) NNE


small airport marker

Veselí u Přelouče Airfield

Veselí u Přelouče, Pardubice Region, Czech Republic 17 km (9 nm) NE

small airport marker

Zbraslavice Airfield

Zbraslavice, Central Bohemian Region, Czech Republic 19 km (10 nm) WSW


small airport marker

Kolín Airfield

Kolín, Central Bohemian Region, Czech Republic 21 km (11 nm) WNW


closed airport marker

Světlá nad Sázavou Airstrip

Světlá nad Sázavou, Vysočina Region, Czech Republic 24 km (13 nm) S

medium airport marker

Pardubice Airport

Pardubice, Pardubice Region, Czech Republic 25 km (13 nm) ENE


small airport marker

Chrudim Airfield

Chrudim, Pardubice Region, Czech Republic 25 km (13 nm) E


heliport marker

Dobšice Heliport

Dobšice, Central Bohemian Region, Czech Republic 26 km (14 nm) NNW

heliport marker

Chrudim Hospital Heliport

Chrudim, Pardubice Region, Czech Republic 27 km (14 nm) E

heliport marker

Pardubice Regional Hospital Heliport

Pardubice, Pardubice Region, Czech Republic 28 km (15 nm) ENE

small airport marker

Chotěboř Airfield

Chotěboř, Vysočina Region, Czech Republic 29 km (16 nm) SE


small airport marker

Chabeřice Private ULM Airstrip

Chabeřice, Central Bohemian Region, Czech Republic 31 km (17 nm) WSW

small airport marker

Kunětice Airfield

Kunětice, Pardubice Region, Czech Republic 32 km (17 nm) NE

small airport marker

Nabočany Airstrip

Nabočany, Pardubice Region, Czech Republic 33 km (18 nm) E

heliport marker

Havlíčkův Brod Hospital Heliport

Havlíčkův Brod, Vysočina Region, Czech Republic 34 km (18 nm) SSE

small airport marker

Kejžlice Airfield

Kejžlice, Vysočina Region, Czech Republic 34 km (18 nm) S

heliport marker

Městec Králové City Hospital Heliport

Městec Králové, Central Bohemian Region, Czech Republic 35 km (18 nm) NNW

small airport marker

Havlíčkův Brod Airfield

Havlíčkův Brod, Vysočina Region, Czech Republic 35 km (18 nm) SSE


small airport marker

Sázava Airfield

Sázava, Central Bohemian Region, Czech Republic 35 km (19 nm) W

small airport marker

Poděbrady Airfield

Poděbrady, Central Bohemian Region, Czech Republic 36 km (19 nm) NNW

heliport marker

Chotouň Heliport

Chrášťany, Central Bohemian Region, Czech Republic 38 km (20 nm) WNW

small airport marker

Nymburk Airfield

Nymburk, Central Bohemian Region, Czech Republic 40 km (21 nm) NW


small airport marker

Chrášťany Airfield

Chrášťany, Central Bohemian Region, Czech Republic 40 km (21 nm) WNW

small airport marker

Nučice Airfield

Nučice, Central Bohemian Region, Czech Republic 40 km (21 nm) W

small airport marker

Horni Prim Airfield

Hradec Králové Region, Czech Republic 41 km (22 nm) NNE

small airport marker

Kněžice u Jičína Airfield

Kněžice u Jičína, Central Bohemian Region, Czech Republic 41 km (22 nm) NNW

small airport marker

Radim u Chrudimi ULM

Luže, Pardubice Region, Czech Republic 41 km (22 nm) E

small airport marker

Skuteč Airfield

Skuteč, Pardubice Region, Czech Republic 41 km (22 nm) ESE


small airport marker

Chvojenec Airstrip

Chvojenec, Pardubice Region, Czech Republic 41 km (22 nm) ENE

heliport marker

Hradec Králové Heliport

Hradec Králové, Hradec Králové Region, Czech Republic 42 km (23 nm) NE

small airport marker

Přibyslav Airfield

Přibyslav, Vysočina Region, Czech Republic 43 km (23 nm) SSE


heliport marker

Hradec Králové Teaching Hospital Rooftop Heliport

Hradec Králové, Hradec Králové Region, Czech Republic 43 km (23 nm) NE

small airport marker

Jiřičky UL

Křelovice, Vysočina Region, Czech Republic 43 km (23 nm) SSW

small airport marker

Vlašim Airfield

Vlašim, Central Bohemian Region, Czech Republic 44 km (23 nm) WSW

2 5

small airport marker

Křinec Airstrip

Křinec, Central Bohemian Region, Czech Republic 44 km (24 nm) NNW

small airport marker

Dlouhé Dvory Airfield

Střezetice, Hradec Králové Region, Czech Republic 45 km (24 nm) NNE

small airport marker

Vrátkov Airfield

Vrátkov, Central Bohemian Region, Czech Republic 46 km (24 nm) WNW

small airport marker

Kozojedy Airstrip

Kozojedy, Hradec Králové Region, Czech Republic 46 km (25 nm) N

small airport marker

Vraclav u Vysokého Mýta ULM

Vraclav, Pardubice Region, Czech Republic 48 km (26 nm) E

small airport marker

Hradec Králové Airport

Hradec Králové, Hradec Králové Region, Czech Republic 48 km (26 nm) NE


small airport marker

Osičiny Airstrip

Osičiny, Central Bohemian Region, Czech Republic 48 km (26 nm) WNW

small airport marker

Loučeň Airstrip

Loučeň, Central Bohemian Region, Czech Republic 49 km (26 nm) NNW

small airport marker

Kostomlaty Airstrip

Central Bohemian Region, Czech Republic 49 km (26 nm) NW

small airport marker

Zbilidy Ultrallightport

Zbilidy, Vysočina Region, Czech Republic 50 km (27 nm) S

small airport marker

Hořice Airfield

Holovousy, Hradec Králové Region, Czech Republic 51 km (27 nm) NNE


closed airport marker

Milovice Air Base

Milovice, Central Bohemian Region, Czech Republic 51 km (28 nm) NW

1 1

small airport marker

Milovice UL

Central Bohemian Region, Czech Republic 52 km (28 nm) NW