Public forecast
Using degrees Fahrenheit for public forecast. Weather courtesy of
Closest aviation weather report (METAR) to Anniston AHP (Anniston Army Depot)
Closest report is Talladega Municipal Airport, 5.4 nm (10.0 km) SW.
2025/01/17 03:55 (retrieved 18 minutes ago)
KASN 170355Z AUTO 04002KT 10SM CLR 00/M03 A3014 RMK AO2
Closest aviation forecast (TAF) to Anniston AHP (Anniston Army Depot)
Forecast is more than 6 hours old.
Closest forecast is Redstone Army Air Field, 72.5 nm (134.4 km) NNW.
2025/01/16 20:11 (retrieved 8 hours ago)
TAF KHUA 162000Z 1620/1802 27012G18KT 9999 SKC QNH3007INS BECMG 1622/1623 28009KT 9999 SKC QNH2998INS TX13/1720Z TNM02/1710Z LAST NO AMDS AFT 1700 NEXT 1712