Weather at El Mirage-Village Square Airport [CLOSED]

Public forecast

Using degrees Fahrenheit for public forecast. Weather courtesy of Meteomatics.

Meteomatics Weather Widget

Closest aviation weather report (METAR) to El Mirage-Village Square Airport

Closest report is Luke Air Force Base, 5.3 nm (9.7 km) SSW.

2025/02/09 19:55 (retrieved 1 hour ago)

KLUF 091955Z AUTO 00000KT 10SM FEW160 SCT180 SCT200 21/02 A3002 RMK AO2 SLP160 T02120024

Closest aviation forecast (TAF) to El Mirage-Village Square Airport

Forecast is more than 12 hours old.

Closest forecast is Luke Air Force Base, 5.3 nm (9.7 km) SSW.

2025/02/07 19:57 Ammendment (retrieved 2 days ago)

AMD KLUF 071950Z 0719/0818 VRB06KT 9999 BKN270 QNH2995INS TX24/0723Z TN08/0813Z LAST NO AMDS AFT 0720 NEXT 1012