Weather at Twin Lakes Airport

Public forecast

Using degrees Fahrenheit for public forecast. Weather courtesy of Meteomatics.

Meteomatics Weather Widget

Closest aviation weather report (METAR) to Twin Lakes Airport

Closest report is Tinker Air Force Base, 7.7 nm (14.2 km) NW.

2025/02/16 01:25 (retrieved 21 minutes ago)

KTIK 160125Z 35021G31KT 4SM -SN BR BKN010 M02/M04 A2997 RMK AO2A SLP158

Closest aviation forecast (TAF) to Twin Lakes Airport

Closest forecast is Tinker Air Force Base, 7.7 nm (14.2 km) NW.

2025/02/16 23:03 Ammendment (retrieved 0 seconds ago)

TAF AMD KTIK 152300Z 1523/1624 34020G30KT 9999 OVC015 QNH2976INS BECMG 1600/1601 35012G25KT 1600 -SHSN BKN010 510033 QNH2980INS BECMG 1603/1604 34012G20KT 9999 NSW SCT026 510053 QNH3003INS TX01/1523Z TNM05/1612Z