Public forecast
Using degrees Fahrenheit for public forecast. Weather courtesy of Meteomatics.
Closest aviation weather report (METAR) to Stillman Fire Heliport
Closest report is Chicago Rockford International Airport, 6.6 nm (12.3 km) NE.
2025/02/16 17:54 (retrieved 39 minutes ago)
KRFD 161754Z 30017G28KT 3SM -SN BKN023 OVC030 M05/M10 A2996 RMK AO2 PK WND 31033/1724 SLP156 PRESENT WX DRSN 4/004 933004 P0000 60000 T10501100 11044 21056 53017
Closest aviation forecast (TAF) to Stillman Fire Heliport
Closest forecast is Chicago Rockford International Airport, 6.6 nm (12.3 km) NE.
2025/02/16 18:24 (retrieved 9 minutes ago)
TAF KRFD 161720Z 1618/1718 34017G27KT P6SM -SN SCT020 BKN040 FM170000 30014G24KT P6SM SCT020 SCT100