Weather at Rocky Hill Ultralightport

Public forecast

Using degrees Fahrenheit for public forecast. Weather courtesy of

Closest aviation weather report (METAR) to Rocky Hill Ultralightport

Closest report is Pocono Mountains Municipal Airport, 4.8 nm (8.9 km) W.

2025/01/18 23:16 (retrieved 11 minutes ago)

KMPO 182316Z AUTO 26004KT 8SM BKN006 OVC085 00/M01 A2971 RMK AO2 T00001011

Closest aviation forecast (TAF) to Rocky Hill Ultralightport

Closest forecast is Wilkes Barre Scranton International Airport, 23.2 nm (43.0 km) WNW.

2025/01/18 21:51 Ammendment (retrieved 2 hours ago)

TAF AMD KAVP 182048Z 1821/1918 19008KT 6SM BR OVC025 FM190200 28006KT P6SM OVC015 FM190600 35007KT P6SM OVC015 FM191100 35008KT P6SM OVC025