Weather at St Anthony's Medical Center Heliport

Public forecast

Using degrees Fahrenheit for public forecast. Weather courtesy of

Closest aviation weather report (METAR) to St Anthony's Medical Center Heliport

Closest report is St Louis Downtown Airport, 11.3 nm (20.9 km) ENE.

2025/01/15 17:53 (retrieved 40 minutes ago)

KCPS 151753Z 18005KT 10SM CLR M06/M15 A3050 RMK AO2 SLP336 T10611150 11061 21144 58020

Closest aviation forecast (TAF) to St Anthony's Medical Center Heliport

Closest forecast is St Louis Downtown Airport, 11.3 nm (20.9 km) ENE.

2025/01/15 18:39 (retrieved 0 seconds ago)

TAF KCPS 151736Z 1518/1618 18005KT P6SM BKN100 FM160500 23009KT P6SM FEW150 FM160900 26009G20KT P6SM SCT200 FM161200 28008KT P6SM FEW250