Rossi's Farm Airport [CLOSED]

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OurAirports members at 84IL

Rossi's Farm Airport is not the home base for any OurAirports members. It has had no visits from members.

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Rossi's Farm Airport

I have landed hundreds of time with my Cessna 172 on this airport (on FSX) as a starting or ending point to Joliet Regl, Lewis University, Clow Int, Naper aero club, Brookeridge air park, Chicago Midway. I am an italian guy, and i live in Padova, Italy.

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re: Rossi's Farm Airport

You wouldn't want to do that in real life as it's a private "prior permission required" and as you might have seen in a recent comment on another such airport, landing without permission can lead to dire legal consequences if not outright violence.

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rossi's Farm airport

I have landed hundreds of time on this airport (on FSX) as a starting or ending point to Joliet Regl, Lewis University, Clow Int, Naper aero club, Brookeridge air park, Chicago Midway

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