Airports near Fox Field

Airports 51 to 100

small airport marker

Cayuse Creek /US Forest Service Airport

Cayuse Creek, Idaho, United States 93 km (50 nm) NW


heliport marker

Community Hospital of Anaconda EMS Helipad

Anaconda, Montana, United States 94 km (50 nm) E

small airport marker

Drummond Airport

Drummond, Montana, United States 94 km (51 nm) NE


heliport marker

Aero Heliport

Missoula, Montana, United States 95 km (51 nm) N

small airport marker

Crofoot Ranch Airport

Warren, Idaho, United States 96 km (51 nm) SW

small airport marker

Flying Coyote Ranch Airport

Carmen, Idaho, United States 97 km (52 nm) SSE

closed airport marker

Camas Airport

Missoula, Montana, United States 97 km (52 nm) NNE

small airport marker

Wise River Airport

Wise River, Montana, United States 99 km (53 nm) ESE

small airport marker

Cook Ranch Airport

Elk City, Idaho, United States 100 km (54 nm) WSW

small airport marker

Allison Ranch Airport

Elk City, Idaho, United States 100 km (54 nm) SW

small airport marker

Mullins Airport

Elk City, Idaho, United States 101 km (54 nm) WSW

small airport marker

Bowman Field

Anaconda, Montana, United States 101 km (54 nm) E


small airport marker

Elk City Airport

Elk City, Idaho, United States 102 km (55 nm) WSW

1 3

small airport marker

Gold Creek Airport

Drummond, Montana, United States 102 km (55 nm) ENE

small airport marker

Yellow Pine Bar Airport

Elk City, Idaho, United States 103 km (56 nm) SW

small airport marker

Mallard Creek Ranch Airport

Elk City, Idaho, United States 103 km (56 nm) WSW

small airport marker

Jerry Creek Airport

Wise River, Montana, United States 104 km (56 nm) ESE

heliport marker

Steele Memorial Heliport

Salmon, Idaho, United States 105 km (56 nm) SSE

small airport marker

Whitewater Ranch Airport

Warren, Idaho, United States 107 km (57 nm) SW

small airport marker

Cold Meadows US Forest Service Airport

Warren, Idaho, United States 107 km (57 nm) SW


small airport marker

40 Acre Airstrip

Salmon, Idaho, United States 108 km (58 nm) SSE

small airport marker

Root Ranch Airport

Warren, Idaho, United States 109 km (59 nm) SW

closed airport marker

Ted Luark Private STOLport

Huson, Montana, United States 110 km (59 nm) NNW

small airport marker

Nine Mile Airport

Huson, Montana, United States 110 km (59 nm) N

medium airport marker

Lemhi County Airport

Salmon, Idaho, United States 110 km (59 nm) SSE


small airport marker

Larner Field

Deer Lodge, Montana, United States 111 km (60 nm) ENE

small airport marker

Fish Ranch Airport

Jackson, Montana, United States 111 km (60 nm) SSE

small airport marker

Orogrande Airport

Orogrande, Idaho, United States 112 km (60 nm) WSW

small airport marker

Campbells Ferry Airstrip

Cascade, Idaho, United States 112 km (60 nm) SW

small airport marker

Tarkio Montana Ranch Airport

Superior, Montana, United States 112 km (60 nm) NNW

small airport marker

Chamberlain USFS Airport

Warren, Idaho, United States 112 km (60 nm) SW


small airport marker

Deer Lodge City County Airport

Deer Lodge, Montana, United States 113 km (61 nm) ENE


small airport marker

Dixie Town Airport

Dixie, Idaho, United States 116 km (62 nm) WSW


heliport marker

Deer Lodge Medical Center Heliport

Deer Lodge, Montana, United States 117 km (63 nm) ENE

small airport marker

D Bar C Airport

Dixie, Idaho, United States 117 km (63 nm) WSW

small airport marker

Hoodoo Meadows Airport

Salmon, Idaho, United States 119 km (64 nm) SSW

small airport marker

Soldier Bar US Forest Service Airport

Soldier Bar, Idaho, United States 120 km (65 nm) SSW


small airport marker

Cabin Creek US Forest Service Airport

Big Creek Ranger Station, Idaho, United States 121 km (65 nm) SSW


small airport marker

Dixie US Forest Service Airport

Dixie, Idaho, United States 122 km (65 nm) WSW


small airport marker

Taylor Ranch Landing Area Airport

Moscow, Idaho, United States 122 km (66 nm) SSW

closed airport marker

Buffalo Trail Ranch Strip

Ovando, Montana, United States 122 km (66 nm) NNE

small airport marker

Mile Hi Landing Strip

Cascade, Idaho, United States 123 km (66 nm) SSW

small airport marker

Foxglove Ranch Airport

Kooskia, Idaho, United States 124 km (67 nm) W

small airport marker

Vines Landing Strip

Cascade, Idaho, United States 124 km (67 nm) SSW

closed airport marker

Smith Field

Butte, Montana, United States 125 km (67 nm) E

closed airport marker

Sourdough Island on Salmon Lake Heliport

Seeley Lake, Montana, United States 126 km (68 nm) NNE

heliport marker

St James Healthcare Heliport

Butte, Montana, United States 126 km (68 nm) E

small airport marker

Dewey Moore Airstrip

Cascade, Idaho, United States 126 km (68 nm) SW

closed airport marker

Flying Arrow Ranch Airport

Butte, Montana, United States 127 km (68 nm) E

small airport marker

Wilson Bar US Forest Service Airport

Dixie, Idaho, United States 127 km (69 nm) SW