Agnes Water SES Grounds HLS
Agnes Water, Queensland, Australia

Changes to OZHAC

2020-05-10 12:57:53



Changed name. Replaced dead pilot info link. Changed local code.

Changed name from "Seventeen Seventy Heliport" to "Agnes Water SES Grounds HLS"
Changed municipality from "Seventeen Seventy" to "Agnes Water"
Changed local_code from "1770" to "OZHAC"
Changed pilot_link from "http://www.helipads.org/site/index.cfm?search_string=&search_state=&category=&module=HELIPADS&page_id=140882&pagemode=indiv" to "https://www.ozrunways.com/helipads/view/helipad.jsp?code=OZHAC"
Changed keywords from "" to "1770, Seventeen Seventy Heliport"

2013-10-25 23:45:04



(no change comment)

Seventeen Seventy Heliport