Public forecast
Using degrees Celsius for public forecast. Weather courtesy of Meteomatics.
Closest aviation weather report (METAR) to Borovan Airstrip
Closest report is Dolna Mitropoliya Air Base, 31.9 nm (59.2 km) E.
(retrieved 0 seconds ago)
Closest aviation forecast (TAF) to Borovan Airstrip
Closest forecast is Sofia Airport, 46.5 nm (86.1 km) SSW.
2025/02/19 06:37 Ammendment (retrieved 5 hours ago)
TAF AMD LBSF 190628Z 1906/2006 34008KT 6000 BKN020 OVC040 TEMPO 1906/1914 1500 SN BKN015 OVC025 PROB40 1906/1911 0800 SN BKN010 OVC020 BECMG 1917/1919 VRB04KT BECMG 2000/2002 5000 BR TEMPO 2002/2006 1500 BR BKN005