SWIE, BA0179

Fazenda Planalto das Emas Airport
Jaborandi, Bahia, Brazil

Changes to SWIE, BA0179

2024-04-15 06:45:09



Added runway info, municipality and local code. Changed pilot info link.

2024-04-15 06:45:09



Added runway info, municipality and local code. Changed pilot info link.

Changed name from "Faz. Planalto Das Emas Airport" to "Fazenda Planalto das Emas Airport"
Changed municipality from "" to "Jaborandi"
Changed latitude_deg from "-14.0983" to "-14.0985"
Changed longitude_deg from "-46.1411" to "-46.1355"
Changed local_code from "" to "BA0179"
Changed pilot_link from "https://skyvector.com/airport/SWIE/Faz-Planalto-Das-Emas-Airport" to "https://aisweb.decea.mil.br/?i=aerodromos&codigo=SWIE"
Changed zoom from "14" to "15"

2024-04-15 04:54:38



(no change comment)

Faz. Planalto Das Emas Airport