Changes to CYKS, YKS
2022-09-21 22:46:04
(no change comment)
Changed name
from "Knutsford Airstrip"
to "Knutsford Airfield"
Changed gps_code
from ""
to "CYKS"
Changed local_code
from ""
to "YKS"
2022-07-07 05:35:46
(no change comment)
Changed municipality
from "Knutsford"
to "Kamloops"
2021-10-30 05:18:47
(no change comment)
Changed name
from "Knustford Airstrip"
to "Knutsford Airstrip"
2011-12-29 12:38:13
(no change comment)
Changed name
from "Knustford airstrip"
to "Knustford Airstrip"
Changed municipality
from ""
to "Knutsford"
Changed zoom
from "14"
to "15"
2011-01-08 18:50:09
Source: Knutsford: 2500' runway. If you come in for for a landing on 13, first you go over Knutsford Hill, then some power lines, then a duck pond. The grass runway slopes up a bit sharply for 100 feet after you go over the fence. The main wind seems to make this approach the most common. Contact Cam 250-374-4181