Woodstock Private Airstrip

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OurAirports members at CA-0449

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Picture of Pugliapilot

(no subject)

according to European rules, whoever makes airstrips or makeshift camps available does so both for emergencies and for tourism, yes, they are private, but if one has built them, he also makes them available for emergencies and tourism, therefore he is obliged to leave a contact and a telephone number and he is also obliged to enroll in the aviation register to register and also obliged to keep the runway built according to the law and in the event of obstacles he must report the obstacles or the various problems that the runway has slopes, etc., etc. this site did not allow me to add the telephone number of the owner of the airfield and wrong because the information must be published in Italy there is AVIOPORTOLANO which is a book where all the minor airports are published in accordance with the law with their respective numbers telephones.

Picture of


Owner is not a nice person and is very protective of property

Picture of animebirder


It's generally never a good idea to land on any private airstrip without advance notice or permission except in cases of dire emergency. All headings and information here should be considered to be for informational purposes only, and contact information for owners of private airstrips may not even be publicly available depending on jurisdiction.

Picture of Pugliapilot


if you talk to me about private runway I agree with you....but on this site the classifications of aviation facilities are not very clear.....I am an Italian and in my language the classification is this "AEREOPORTI, BASI AEREE, AVIOSUPERFICI, CAMPO DI VOLO,IDROSCALI" I in English I can't translate "CAMPI DI VOLO" if I use the translator it writes airfield but an airfield(campo di volo) and a grass runway where only ultralight aircraft can land while an airfield (AVIOSUPERFICIE) is a facility where both general aviation and ultralight aircraft can land.

Picture of Pugliapilot


if the private owner behaves badly towards the guests and is jealous of the camp, it means that he is hiding some problem or that the airfield is not in order or that he engages in illicit acts such as drug dealing, in any case the private camp is not it is private but it is also an emergency camp and therefore the owner who behaves badly must absolutely be reported to the forces of order or to the police.

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