Changes to CA-0681
2021-12-22 10:27:02
The old VNCs on the wall at Rockcliffe show St. André-Avellin airport at this spot, further north of the town than the present field.
2021-12-22 10:27:02
The old VNCs on the wall at Rockcliffe show St. André-Avellin airport at this spot, further north of the town than the present field.
2021-12-22 10:27:02
The old VNCs on the wall at Rockcliffe show St. André-Avellin airport at this spot, further north of the town than the present field.
2021-12-22 10:27:02
The old VNCs on the wall at Rockcliffe show St. André-Avellin airport at this spot, further north of the town than the present field.
Changed name
from "St. André-Avellin / Équipements Lourds Papineau Aerodrome"
to "St. André-Avellin (Old Aerodrome)"
2021-12-21 15:03:00
Marked on Montreal VNC as an aerodrome of unknown status, X-ed runway visible in satellite images